2019 DSP Funding Budget

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Care Can Wait Federal Advocacy 2023

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Funding for disability services is an equity issue with life and death consequences I stand with people with disabilities, their families, support staff, and community partners. #CareCantWait #PaidLeaveforAll

COVID-19 Bill and Disabilities Services

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COVID-19 package $75 billion must clarify eligible "care" to include home- and community-based disability supports

Heroes Act

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The $3 trillion aid package, proposed by House Democrats, is the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act that must include disability supports.

SOC Moving to House of Reps

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Advocacy to House Representatives as SOC bill progresses from Senate.

SOC Moving to House of Reps

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Advocacy to House Representatives as SOC bill progresses from Senate.

SOC Moving to House of Reps

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Advocacy to House Representatives as SOC bill progresses from Senate.


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